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Scuba diving activity, by certified school, near the holiday villa Casa do Lago, Portugal.

Updated: Jul 22, 2020

The local elected area for the scuba diving activity is the UNESCO natural reserve of Berlengas archipelago, a crystal waters paradise.

Learn more about the activities of Haliotis - Underwater Adventures, the local Scuba Diving School.

Recreational diving is probably the most sought after activity by visitors to the island of Berlenga. With a unique marine ecosystem, possibly the richest in Portuguese waters, the sea of Berlengas Islands allows fantastic dives full of underwater life. Here it is possible to observe large schools of sea bream, safari and horse mackerel, walls covered with gorgonians, rooster fish, large moonfish and impressive mere. There are several diving sites in the Berlengas archipelago, either around the island of Berlenga or in the Estelas and Farilhões, some of these sites have old sunken boats that have since been colonized by marine life.

Stay at the villa Casa do Lago and enjoy the Scuba Diving activity in Berlengas.

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